Quality of Regulatory Policy and Quality of Life
In this study, which focuses on data-driven and comparative analysis of developments in public regulations worldwide and in Türkiye, stakeholder participation, pre-decision impact analysis, and post-implementation evaluation analysis are identified as key criteria determining success in public decision-making processes.
This study, which is part of a report series published by the OECD every three years, provides comparisons and evaluations from the perspective of Türkiye while being translated into Turkish. It identifies areas for development and improvement. When all the reports are compared, it becomes apparent that Türkiye has fallen behind its ranking in 2015 and there is an increasing need for improvement and enhancement in the quality of public regulations.
The OECD report is prepared at regular intervals to monitor developments in governance of public decision-making processes in member and candidate countries. Data collection for the report is conducted through surveys and questionnaires sent by the OECD to the relevant public authorities of the countries. The assessment report, prepared every three years, is based on the answers provided by the public authorities to the OECD's questions. The report evaluates the quality of public regulations worldwide and in Türkiye in three main areas: stakeholder participation, pre-decision impact analysis, and post-implementation evaluation. Scoring in each area is done based on methodology, systematic implementation, transparency, auditing, and quality control details.
Each study is shared with the public through conferences organized for private sector, public, and civil society leaders. The conference series, in which Nick Malyshev, the Former Head of the OECD Regulatory Policy Division and a member of the Argüden Governance Academy Advisory Board, regularly participates, also includes leading academics in the public sector who share their views and guidance on the results.
Our Publications
Public policies directly and deeply affect social development. It shapes social life both by touching the lives of citizens and by its impact on the business world.
We translate OECD’s Regulatory Policy Outlook Reports into Turkish to create value in public governance.
Consists of an extensive summary and analysis of the ‘OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015 Report’ which was originally published in English and French.